Course Selection Process & Roster Changes
Each spring, students and their parents/guardians participate in the selection of their courses for the following year. The course selection process takes place through PowerSchool. Students will be required to select subjects for the coming school year based on ability, career goals, and teachers' recommendations. Students will be given the option to choose a course if they meet the basic requirements of the courses in achievement and ability and receive the recommendation of their teachers. Within each course, the student will be placed at a group level, which is commensurate with his achievements, ability, and teacher recommendation. Students in their junior and senior years may have the opportunity to choose elective courses and alternates to those courses. Core requirements may not be replaced with electives.
Conflicts that arise due to scheduling difficulties in groups will be remedied by the Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs, keeping the student's abilities and the school’s resources as compatible as possible. The Assistant Principal for Academics is the final arbiter in all decisions relevant to student placement in courses. In the event of a conflict in scheduling, the Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs will honor the alternate choices of the student to the greatest degree possible. Alternates should be chosen with the same attention and care as electives, as students may be assigned to their alternate choice if conflicts arise with their primary electives. alternate selections must be listed on the Course selection sheet in PowerSchool. If there are no alternate choices, courses will be assigned at the discretion of the Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs.
Since course selection should be done only after careful and thoughtful consultation with parents and teachers, the following procedures are established for a change or a drop in a course. Rosters are available in August. Errors and limited changes were made at that time. Roster changes will not be considered for teacher/period preference, lunch changes, or failure to complete the summer assignment. Changes will not be made after the roster change date without a documented medical reason. Once the school year begins, no courses or groupings are changed. Senior courses are final, starting on the first day of school. All changes are dictated by student abilities: past grades, cumulative rank, times offered, and class size.