Academic Support Services » The Crusader Program

The Crusader Program

The Crusader Program is an academic support program that assists students in a variety of areas such as; improving academic skills in multiple disciplines, identifying post-secondary options, and offering counseling services to guide students in meeting spiritual and academic challenges.
The Crusader Program Classes are housed in the Father Judge Brisson Center for Academic Excellence, a 21st Centery designed educational support center. Students that are part of the Crusader Program are assigned to the Crusader Class and will be participated in a structured, small, academic environment. The curriculum of the Crusader Class includes some of the following:
  • An Academic or Career topic related to the class objective
  • Basic Skills review as it relates to the practical examples tied to the class objective or standardized assessments
  • Independent practice or academic makeup work for all other assigned classes
Whether a student wants to attend college, join a trade, join the military, or go directly into the workforce the Crusader Program is designed to prepare the students for their life after Father Judge. In addition to academic support, the Crusader Class will encourage and provide other support strategies needed to properly prepare for the transition from Father Judge High School to the student's post-secondary choice.
The Brisson Center was established in October of 2008 through the generosity of Thomas F. McGowan ’70 and his family in memory of Timothy McGowan ‘72. The initial concept was the development of an educational assistance center with a focus on those students in need of academic support, such as test-taking strategies, homework help, and the development of organizational and study skills.

The mission of the Father Judge Brisson Center for Academic Excellence was originally created to provide equitable opportunities for Catholic education to students of all ability levels with a primary focus on offering academic resources and supports for those students with various learning challenges. Students were initially assigned to the Center in place of a traditional Study Hall thus providing students with a more structured environment and experience.
The Center provided multiple faculty and staff members throughout the school day to assist students in need of academic support. This academic structure was the early foundation of the current Crusader Program that is now housed in the Brisson Center for Academic Excellence. The needs of the students continued to increase and in 2018 we created the Crusader Program to ensure that the curriculum and support matched the needs of the students. 

All students who want to attend Father Judge High School must complete and follow the application process. This application process can be found in the admissions section of our website.


In order to become a member of the Crusader Program, you must qualify. There are various ways for a student to qualify for the Crusader Program. First, if your son has an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), an Evaluation or Re-evaluation, a 504 Pla, an Academic Modification Sheet, and/or any accommodations or modifications made to the student’s academic needs while the student is in grade school. Students may also qualify for their program due to their current academic progression in their grade school.


In addition, parents may request that their son be part of the program at the time of the application, or the application review team and Crusader Program Director may determine that a student must enter into the program as part of their acceptance to Father Judge High School. If you have questions about how to join the program please contact the admissions office.

The Crusader Program currently enrolls 36 freshmen for the 2024-2025 School Year.  These students follow an 8-period roster like all other students and complete the same core class requirements as all other students. A  student must be a part of a Crusader class period in order to be a part of the Crusader Program. The course and the program go hand-in-hand. One of the largest benefits of the Crusader Class for the freshmen is a 2nd and possibly 3rd instructor to work with these young men in their Math and English courses. This is designed to assist and help close the gap and transition our students to high school.


There are also over 30 upper-class students (Grades 10, 11, & 12) who are assigned to Crusader periods throughout the day.  Although these students are assigned a Crusader Class period, there is no additional teacher assigned to any of the students’ respective classes. In addition to these upperclassmen currently participating in the Crusader Classes, there are approximately 30 students (formerly members of the Crusader Program) not assigned a Crusader class that have transitioned out of the program. These students began as freshmen in the Crusader Program but now are fully integrated into general classes with itinerant support.

The Crusader Program currently enrolls up to 40 freshmen each academic year. These students follow an 8-period roster like all other students and complete the same core class requirements as all other students. However, one of the key features of the Crusader Program is that a student can earn his transition out of the program and no longer require the Crusader period Class to be part of their roster.


If a student has a high level of academic success, great attendance, low tardiness, and has been scoring above the threshold for their quarterly exams that student will qualify to transition out of the program. This would mean that the student would no longer have a dedicated crusader class and would be free to take another course in its place.


Please note that the letters about the transition are sent out by the Director of the Crusaser Program and the decision for current placement is made in conjunction with all the cooperating teachers in the Crusader Program, the administration, and the current teacher of that student. While the Director of the Crusader Program makes the recommendation about placement, it is ultimately the parent's choice on whether the student stays in, or transitions from the Crusader Program.

The Crusader Program’s success may be measured in a number of ways.  For Father Judge’s class of 2023, the following successes and exceptional outcomes occurred:

  • Approximately 20% of our 2022-2023 current and former Crusader students obtained Academic Honors during the year
  • The 2023 graduating class included 19 students who participated in the Crusader Program
    • 12 received Academic Honors
    • 9 will be attending colleges/universities
    • 4 will be attending trade schools and/or apprenticeship programs
    • 6 will be heading to the workforce
Andrew Sidorski, a graduate of the Class of 2023, had this to say about what the Crusader Program did for him:

“I had the Crusader period for 2 years and I learned so many things beyond the school curriculum. The program taught me how to apply for a job, get recommendations, get references, save money, file taxes, learn about car insurance, and many other life necessities. It improved my public speaking and presenting skills, interviewing skills, and many other social skills. I am very thankful for having an opportunity to be a part of this magnificent program.”