Academic Support Services » Athletic Study Hall

Athletic Study Hall




All incoming freshman athletes must participate in 1 hour of study hall per week. Students may obtain their study hall hours at any point throughout the week that the center is open. This includes before-school, after-school, and lunch periods. All students must have an approved e-hallpass when either going to or from the Brisson Center for any reason. Be aware that schedule changes may occur based on the school's daily schedule. Check Mr. Loughlin's weekly email for updates and the weekly schedule for the Brisson Center.


  • Students are required to complete 2 hours every two weeks, with a suggested minimum of 1 hour per week.
  • Students must commit to the entire block of time they choose for attendance; arriving late or leaving early will not count towards the students’ time unless otherwise discussed with Miss Kennedy.
  • The Brisson Center serves as a QUIET area on campus dedicated to student and teacher work, studying or meetings. Students who disrupt the silence will be asked to leave, and their time will not be counted.
  • Students are responsible for tracking their completed hours. While Ms. Kennedy maintains a log for herself and the coaches, she cannot address every freshman student-athlete daily.

Tutoring Hours:

If your son has pre-scheduled tutoring appointments with NHS Peer Tutoring or the Crusader Program, this time will count toward the mandatory biweekly Athletic Study Hall Hours.

Signing Into the Center: 

Upon completion of their study hall hours, athletes are required to fill out a designated form. A bi-weekly compilation of students and their completed hours will be submitted to Mr. Serfass.

  • You can also find the above links on the Father Judge website: 
    • Academics > Academic Support Services > Signing Into and Out of the Center > Brisson Center Sign In Sheet


All consequences for not meeting the required hours will be determined by the coaches and athletic director. Consequences for breaking any school rules during study hall will result in JUG or other disciplinary actions as needed and determined by the administration.

Freshman athletes are exempted from attending study hall hours once their respective sports season ends. It's important to note that study hall hours are only mandatory during a student's active sports season. For instance, if a student is engaged in Basketball and starts practices during the fall, the requirement for study hall hours will only apply throughout the winter season. 


If a student proves their ability to maintain high academic standards while playing their respective sport(s), then that student may be exempt from the mandatory study hall hours. (This will ONLY apply to students who have met with Ms. Kennedy or the athletic director to discuss this exemption).

  • All athletes are granted access to the Brisson Center throughout the year, providing them with academic support facilities and quiet spaces for focused work.